I found first off these galvanized buckets. Yes, buckets. As soon as I saw them I could see succulents in them. Maybe some that trail like "Donkey Tail". I saw lots of buckets that day....lots.
Look at these buckets....I really liked their handles but I wondered what do to with them? They have been preforated all over so they can't hold anything. I also worried that the edges that were preforated would be sharp. The hutch caught my eye as well.
Next I found this silver serving spoon. I had bought one similar to this last year and have enjoyed using it to serve fruit from a bowl. This one had me when it saw the engraved initial "D" on it. That is my maiden names initial.
One item I was searching for was a pitcher to pour our maple syrup from. The one we have been using for years is too small. So my Love asked me to see if I could find a larger one. I found the first one which looked a lot like my china pattern of Blue Onion. This one is Blue Danube.
Then Kathy called me over to another vendor later in the day. I had to get this little pitcher...it is Blue Willow. My other pattern I use and collect. It has such a sweet shape, all round and pudgy. So now we have two pitchers to use. This size is a cream pitcher.
I found a magnifying glass that used old silver for the handle. I certainly can use this at home to read the itty-bitty print on some items.
Last item winked at me. Really! Kathy and I were exhausted. We had been here since 9:15 and it was about 3:00. Walking all that time, dealing with the blustery wind, and I walked past this stand of these adorable tea cup and saucers that had been reborn as bird feeders. How very clever! This is the one I bought. Don't you think every garden should have a bit of whimsy? This is what I thought as soon as I laid eyes on it.
I have staked it in a pot on our back kitchen deck for the finch families who make nests back here year after year. I need some plants for the pot because right now it looks odd and forlorn with no growth of plants under it. I hope they like it but as yet I have not seen any birds feeding from it. Do you think the face will scare them away? I hope not! I did see our cat Luna sniffing it and sticking her nose to the seed. Not good. We shall see....
All in all it was a fun day. I spent on most items $5 with the tea cup bird feeder of $15. I always bring only a certain amount and try to be very choosy. My friend Kathy would agree on my choosiness. She tried very hard to get me to buy a few items she found. I was a firm "nope". It has to speak to me before I will shell out any money.