When our eyes met my soul was completed,
When you smiled, it opened up a closed door to my heart,
When you said 'hello', my happiness lit up a dark corner of my life where I thought it couldn't have been touched by another,
but can you see what's in my heart or in my eyes?
Can you see my soul? Look into my eyes? What do you see? How about me?
Look for me, find my happy place, see me? Find me;
complete the light in my soul as you did when our eyes met.
Susan San Augustin
It's been a long time of not writing. I needed the rest more than you know. I'm back...open heart, healed heart. We can never anticipate what or where our daily life will lead us, let alone why. I like to think it is growth and sometimes growing pains there to remind us that we are merely human. We are not of a storybook, fairytale, a movie or TV...we are mortals with frailty, with strength, pulsing along, walking, sitting, daydreaming...we breath, we hold our breaths, tears, smiles, questions, and so it goes day by day.
So it goes...and here I am. Fresh as morning dew...the first light of dawn...the first step on a quiet beach...